Swift CMDeviceMotion
Great tutorial from Nate Cook about using the iPhone/iPad DeviceMotion from within Swift…
Great tutorial from Nate Cook about using the iPhone/iPad DeviceMotion from within Swift…
I’ve talked before about how a few of us created the Secret Adventures of Captain America on a rag tag budget — most being Marvel writers and artists.. for some reason (my masculine and sexy voice perhaps) I had the honor of not only creating the music and sound but being Cap himself. I was…
I wonder how many generations removed are these kids from knowing who Rowan or Martin are…. http://www.batterypop.com/shows/batterypop-dance-in
The King of Pop must’ve been a fantastic, musician, right? An entertainer since he was 7 who had performed for millions, recorded a slew of albums and topped the charts for years must’ve been an accomplished musician, correct? Turns out that even though he could dabble on keyboards and guitars he couldn’t read nor write…
Very strange; I couldn’t access the school lunch application I programmed for NicholasMarkets (www.nicholasmarkets.com) and I originally thought that the website was down, but now it seems that I’m unable to access the site because I’m being blocked in some manor. PING www.nicholasmarkets.com ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for…
You know that old adage that the cobbler’s children have no shoes? Well, it basically describes when we’re so busy providing for clients that we don’t have time to take care of our own needs; thus this website. I’ve been thinking of doing a complete overhaul, moving work items into a portfolio custom post type…
Dunkdog was a website that tracked and ranked basketball players in a highschool age league. Using Wordpress, custom post types were created and linked together in order to facillitate the player and team database and rankings. Player post types utilized categories as data points such as height, weight, position and class to link to…
A console that runs within Wordpress and allows you to interact with all the objects in the framework within a webpage.
From January to September of 2011 I was the sole front end developer for a new global financial application built from scratch for a Hong Kong based company called Investlab. Created as a cost effective solution for bankers and their clients to access global markets, it was architectured in a very modular way, with nearly…
Wow. I’ve been… silent as the grave the past two years — I think it’s been the amount of work I’ve been doing (I’m going to update my portfolio with the last … six?.. projects or so in the next coming days. Meanwhile there’s been so much CHANGE. In the world of technology (Flex compiling…
NicholasMarkets’ School Lunch Program was a way for a New Jersey super market to create a local school lunch program in the North New Jersey area. Using WordPress as the site framework, and custom coding the very popular Shopp plugin, I created a way for NicholasMarkets to service multiple schools with many teachers / grades…
From June to October of 2010 I worked on a really interesting project that a whole new spin on the hiring process: Unrabble. What made this so interesting was the way it automated the hiring process to cut down on the time spent shifting through a ream of resumes. In a way, it’s like the…
In rethinking the Hyperion Books website we imagined how the website could best be explored; when you enter a book store or library you can lose hours of time as you naturally progress from subjects of interest, or seeing what other works are by a favorite author. Thinking of what constitutes a book or author…
Ok – for the past week we’ve been having TERRIBLE speed issues within the Canton CT area – especially on upload. I pay for the business speed ($188 a month for just digital tv and cable) — and over Vonage I’ve been getting a terrible delay. Skype is the same way. Right now I’m attempting…
Another app created for Scribelabs and their customers – the Advertising Research Foundation. A sort of ‘iTunes in the sky’ this Flex app allowed authenticated subscribers to either stream and view ARF content or download to their iPod. Fun little example done in Flex and using custom TileList renderers…
Can’t write it as well as described on Scribelabs’ site: “Podium offers browser-based, live multistream broadcasting and videconferencing. Built on Adobe technologies and delivered via Flash Media Servers and CDNs such as Limelight Networks, Podium is used for small geographically dispersed meetings and large-scale event broadcasts.”
Hmm – this looks interesting: advanced data vis components for Flex – Diagram, Timeline, Gauges and Maps with spark-like renderers (mxml). IBM ILOG Elixir 3.0 beta | RIAgora.
I had been looking at the custom post types that were added in WP 2.9 and fleshed out in WP3, but they still don’t offer the sort of database control I’m hoping for with a book publisher’s website.
I’ve not posted on a number of interesting tech developments of late (Adobe vs Apple) and what that means for third party iPhone / iPad compilers (appcelerator’s Titanium, Elips from openplug, Unity3d) — but I’ve been extremely busy working on a few websites utilizing WordPress and writing some custom widgets and plugins utilizing the fantastic…
Don’t know how this escaped my attention, but my old buddy Tom Higgins of Unity (ex Macromedia Director ambassador) posted that Unity Tech signs a three-year deal with LEGO!. Ah — it’s funny; having recently been playing with Quartz Composer again, I’m feeling the need to delve back into 3d world…