Thames and Hudson USA
Another book publisher’s site utilizing the wordpress framework for a product database, and cross referencing books, topics, and authors.
Another book publisher’s site utilizing the wordpress framework for a product database, and cross referencing books, topics, and authors.
This is an interesting video — demonstrating how drupal can be used as the base system for iPhone/iPad/Android using Appcelerator Titanium — even if it’s painful to listen to the ‘I Got Drupal’ music video… The conference session can be found here from April 2010.
A few good videos by Doug Winnie showing the steps from inception, wireframing to handing off the UI to a developer.
Whew; have been working on getting this site updated on a dev server, and finally got it up and running with fixes on the production server — just have would like to change the way the contact page works — there’s no real UI response that a message was sent… I’ll probably do a quick…
Great video from TED on the power of motivators –and specifically for those that need to think creatively; the old stick and carrot only works for tasks that require heads-down work…
Christian Cantrell showed an example of how to better control nested loops by labeling each of the loops… very cool, had no idea.
In my forays into mobile development and‘s Titanium for developing on iPhone and Android, I also found phonegap that allows a trifold approach for Android, iPhone and Blackberry. Blackberry development on OSX isn’t quite supported as yet but Aziz Uysal has a great tutorial about getting the Blackberry SDK and simulator up and running…
Found this over at vimeo, and just think it’s a great ‘up and running’ step through..
Well, the newly fixed Macbook, after spending a week getting it nearly back to the same state, realizing I’ve lost a lot of music I was working on (some of it was *really* good), and getting a weeks worth of work done, has decided to freak out with the video display…
With my head down in the specifics of technology so much, I tend to forget about what all of this we use relies so much on.. power. I can debug and test, patch and peruse to my heart’s content, but if there’s no electricity there’s not much hope of anything happening… like a castle built…
Great synopsis of why Flash isn’t on the iPhone/iPad by John Gruber at Daring Fireball…
I know that Dreamhost (my host provider) has supported Passenger for Rails apps running on Apache, but I’ve only gotten a taste of it lately, as I was setting up my development machine as a LAMP stack with Rails and now Passenger (including the MacOSX Passenger pane). I’m actually quite astounded how quick it is…
Apple seems to be really pushing for developers… too bad I’m on the east coast…got this via linkedin:
Apple’s iPad and iPhone Software Engineering division is growing tremendously, so we will be having a job
Well Adobe did have a few things to say regarding the abscence of Flash Player on the iPad demo — but then again Christopher Cantrell wrote an article detailing how to get the multiple resolution out of the Flash to iPhone export…
…in response to another colleagues posts about not liking the iPad:
Great video demonstrating Flash Player on the Google Nexus Phone. Now I’ve got to look and see exactly what one can do in regards with Flash and Android.
Ah — something else I want to keep track of; from the same site I found the Adobe Air tuts sumup, some great examples of JQuery.
Numerous links to Adobe Air tutorials – getting started, best practices and how to’s — can be found here.
Really cool 3d interface for those blessed with a Mac, Snow Leopard and the latest Safari – all done via CSS and javascript… More info can be found here.
No, this isn’t a little chant I’m working on — I see I’m not the only one… Carlos Ulloa – of Flash/3d/MiniCooper fame (how many people getting into Pv3d would just spend part of their day driving that thing around in his banner) — has also been playing with the sweetness that is Unity3d. Unity3d…