Mike Morearty, developer of the Flex Builder team listed all the macros available in Flex Builder here:
The name of the project, e.g. MyProject.
The name of the application, e.g. MyApp.
The major version number of the version of Flash that is required to run this app, e.g. 9 for version 9.0 r28. You can change this and the other ${version_...} macros by going to Project > Properties, then â??Flex Compilerâ? or â??ActionScript Compiler,â? and then changing the player version number in the â??HTML wrapperâ? section.
The minor version number of the version of Flash that is required to run this app, e.g. 0 for version 9.0 r28.
The revision number of the version of Flash that is required to run this app, e.g. 28 for version 9.0 r28.
This is equal to "-debug" when building the debug version of the SWF, and "" when building the release version.
The name of the SWF, not including the .swf extension, e.g. MyApp or MyApp-debug. This is essentially a convenience macro which is equivalent to ${application}${build_suffix}.
The background color of the application, as specified in the backgroundColor attribute of the tag, or, in the case of ActionScript-only projects, in the backgroundColor field of the [SWF] metadata attribute of the main application class, e.g. [SWF(backgroundColor="#ffffff")] public class MyApp extends Sprite (see this post for more information on setting the width, height, and background color of an ActionScript project). The result is in the form #rrggbb, e.g. #ffffff. This can actually be a little tricky to use, because by default, the background of a Flex app is actually a gentle gradient from one color to another; if you want the HTML background to match the background of your Flex app, you may need to fiddle with both the backgroundColor and backgroundGradientColors attributes of the tag.
The width of the application, as specified in the width attribute of the tag, or, in the case of ActionScript-only projects, in the width field of the [SWF] metadata attribute of the main application class, e.g. [SWF(width="300", height="400")] public class MyApp extends Sprite.
The height of the application, as specified in the height attribute of the tag, or, in the case of ActionScript-only projects, in the height field of the [SWF] metadata attribute of the main application class, e.g. [SWF(width="300", height="400")] public class MyApp extends Sprite.
The title of the application, as specified in the pageTitle attribute of the tag, or, in the case of ActionScript-only projects, in the pageTitle field of the [SWF] metadata attribute of the main application class, e.g. [SWF(pageTitle="flex r00lz")] public class MyApp extends Sprite.